Return to Banta 1 (Bloomington, Indiana)

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man… well, not much really changed I guess.

Before continuing North from Bean Blossom, I decided to take a brief day trip Southwest to Bloomington, Indiana. I’d not visited the college town in decades, and besides I told myself I needed to restock the pantry at a market a bit larger than a Dollar General or IGA anyway.

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Bean Blossom

Welcome to Bean Blossom!

There are three bluegrass festivals on my bucket list: Telluride, Merlefest and Bean Blossom. I’ve been to Telluride twice, once with my wife & daughter just for a day in 2001 and for the full week with my buddy Jim Medley 2012. Since it dovetailed nicely into my desire to visit the state of Michigan this year, I signed up for a full 8 day pass to Bean Blossom 2018. The central Indiana location is only 3-4 hours from Springfield IL, so I invited Jim to join me once again, thinking he might be able to drive over for the weekend. To my surprise, he took the entire week off work, so I had the pleasure of the company of one of my oldest friends for the whole festival. What a treat!

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