Northern Indiana – Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum

It was the turn of the century and Americans had begun their love affair with the automobile. Henry Ford would introduce the concept of building cars on an assembly line in 1913, but there were thousands of small local builders across the country making “small batch” automobiles in a fashion not that different than today’s craft beer breweries. Continue reading “Northern Indiana – Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum”

Return to Banta 3 (Learning from your mistakes)

Thrown in the Deep End

One of the seminal events of kid life is learning to ride a bicycle. When you graduate from three wheels to two, suddenly you experience a new freedom through mobility and your world expands beyond the line of sight from your front porch. Supposedly the average age for learning to ride a bike is five, but for me, this didn’t happen until I was closer to ten. Continue reading “Return to Banta 3 (Learning from your mistakes)”