Name this Blog

So this thing needs a name. The current “Fenley’s Footprints” was dashed off during the setup process, so it doesn’t reflect any deep thought or emotional significance. If you’ve bothered to make it here, you’re smarter than the average bear and at least marginally interested in this endeavor, so who better to come up with a new and improved name for this Blog?

If nothing else, it will give the comment procedure a workout. User registration and comment validation may be tricky because email is not enabled on this site. It could be done, but it setting up an email sender isn’t trivial, plus WordPress is infamous for attracting spam posters that attempt all sorts of evil things. So for now no messaging.

So, back to the question at hand: What should this be called? Let’s hear your ideas.

3 Replies to “Name this Blog”

  1. By the way, I have upgraded the map plugin and reworked The Wandertracker for clarity. Markers are now coded by type, and you can easily differentiate where I have been from future destinations. I also removed the past travel route line as it seemed moot and cluttered things up. The line that remains is my projected future route, of course subject to change by weather or whim.

  2. Gowan’s Gambel. General in General. The Gambeling General. Trailer trailers. IT Iternate Traveler. At Liberty. Wish You Were Here.

    Wander Muse. Arrived. Travel Treaty. Seek! A Solo Sojourn.

    So enter the ramblings, the disjointed connections of my mind….????

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